Our aim is to provide not only valuation and consultancy services, but to support our clients in making the best possible decisions based on advice that is strategic, commercial, lateral and holistic.
We have completed valuation and advisory assignments for some of the largest multi-national corporations, institutions, lenders, governments and owners within Australia and the region, and our work in this area includes some of WA’s most iconic assets.
We provide advice on a broad cross-section of valuation and advisory matters with mainstream valuation instructions completed for the following:
- Single asset and portfolio assignments
- Trust requirements
- Financial reporting
- Acquisition and disposal due diligence
- Mortgage security
- Insurance purposes
- Feasibility studies and highest and best-use analysis
- Rent reviews/lease analysis
- Legal/Expert Witness
- Stamp Duty
- Compulsory Acquisition
- Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF)
- Rating & Taxing
Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.