Ali Qamar
Professional Summary
Ali has been employed by Cygnet West since 2005 and is Partner, Strata and Community Management, as well as the Cygnet West Company Secretary and Head of IT.
He manages an expert team of Strata Community Association WA members who specialise in the local market and are highly skilled, with a proven track record of delivering outstanding service and results to both Owners and Developers.
With a portfolio of in excess of 2,000 strata lots, Ali works collaboratively to provide leadership and vision in the establishment of policy and procedures to effectively deliver comprehensive services within his department.
As Manager of the Information Technology Department, Ali ensures the business has the best systems in place to provide optimal outcomes. In recent years Cygnet West has invested heavily in real estate specific Management Information Systems to assist in the delivery of ‘best in class’ Commercial, Retail and Strata Property Management platforms. Ali has been instrumental in implementing programs like my Buildings, StrataVote, Property IQ and Bing Technology.
In addition, Ali is responsible for the procurement, insurance and banking requirements of Cygnet West, including the development of new business opportunities.
Ali is recognised as a Leader in the Strata Community Association of WA and was the very worthy winner of the 2022 CHU Strata Community Association (WA) Essay Award. His Strata and Communities Team were Runner Up in the Strata Community Management – Medium Size Business Category and a Finalist in the Senior Strata Manager/Community Manager category.
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